Have you experienced a situation where team members avoid or are unwilling to work together? Such occurrences are early signs of poor team collaboration and require your immediate intervention as the team leader or business owner.
The productivity of your team increases exponentially when your team members collaborate and share ideas among themselves.
Team collaboration does not occur by chance, it needs to be nurtured by the team leader. Here are 5 strategies to help you succeed:
1. Open-Mindedness: Encourage your team members to discuss their assignments, each bringing their unique perspectives and expertise. Ensuring that your team members remain open to other people’s views, avoid bias and premature conclusions.
2. Improved Team Communication: Since team members naturally communicate uniquely, encourage each person to communicate clearly and openly so they are understood by workmates. This may entail team members changing poor communication styles.
3. Team Building Activities: Team building activities help people to bond together and form relationships in the organization. Such informal friendly relationships are the lubrication for effective team work as people generally like to work with their friends.
4. Build Team Accountability: Create a system to hold each member of your team accountable for the part of their work. Team collaboration works best when each member is a good partner on a project and puts out quality work and helps out when needed.
5. Create a collaborative workplace: A key element for collaboration is the organizational culture. Every employee needs to be heard, treated equally, and allowed to contribute their knowledge and expertise to ongoing company projects and activities.
Hence to ensure success develop their collaboration skills, as this helps to inject team collaboration into the company culture.
If you’re struggling with team collaboration, email us today: coachgeraldamandu@gmail.com.
Let’s keep in touch.