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Gerald Amandu

Being Vulnerable – Does It Really Count?

You’ve probably heard the call to be appropriately vulnerable when there is a lack of trust among team members, characterized by team members being uneasy with one another.

Yes, the best way to resolve this situation is by being vulnerable. Yes… you heard me right!

In fact, “vulnerability is the best measure of courage,” says Brene Brown, a Research professor at University of Houston, USA.

This means that if you can share your down side…you are telling your team that “it’s okay to make mistakes”… that you are like them and that “it’s okay to open up about their fears”!

This subtle message is very key and your team will most likely respond by opening up regarding their own weaknesses and fears just like you did in front of them. This is a WIN.

This then gives you and other leaders in your organization the chance to correct them.

The good news is that in the long run, such vulnerability allows for better building of trust.

Unfortunately though, most people think that showing vulnerability is a sign of weakness.

This assumption could not be far from the truth.

You see, the leader who shows their “dirty past” is more likely to gain positive ratings in their followers’ mind than one who paints a perfect picture about them and their past.

However, as caution, being vulnerable does not mean sharing your all to everyone.

Rather, it means letting your guard down, being yourself and sharing what is relevant.

Whenever we hear other people’s success stories, they all involve times of vulnerability.

They all experienced tough times along the way to success. All faced their fears and struggled to the top. Such stories of fear and anxiety and difficulties are those you share.

And such sharing of your past vulnerability is what makes you an authentic leader.

And being authentic serves as a vital tool to empower the people that you lead to success.

It further helps people to see their challenges from another perspective and it gives them hope that they too could overcome their challenges, just like you were able to do so!

Well, now that you know this fact: “ how can you express your vulnerability?”.

Here are 3 tips to guide you on how to use vulnerability in your leadership growth:

First, understand the meaning of vulnerability, its essence, and its effects.

Second, identify the specific vulnerability you would like to share with others.

Third, share the specific steps you took to overcome these vulnerabilities and how your life changed as a result of the corrective steps you took.

With this insight, what specific steps will you take to use the power of vulnerability today?

And if you feel overwhelmed by your team, our team might help you, so let us know.

Till then, keep changing lives and creating opportunities.

Dr Gerald Amandu

Dr. Gerald Amandu, PhD

Leadership Coach and Business Advisor
CEO & Founder, Gerald Amandu Success Academy

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